Magnum One
Magnum One (Mid-American Digital) (Disc Manufacturing).iso
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Assembly Source File
255 lines
include dvapi.inc
comment * =================================================================
Copyright (C) 1989 George A. Stanislav
All Rights Reserved
Purpose: Open a DESQview window and execute a task defined by
a PIF file passed on the command line tail.
* =========================================================================
prog segment para public 'CODE'
assume cs:prog, ds:prog, es:prog, ss:prog
org 100h ; Make it a .COM program
dvexec proc near
; Initialize the program: Make it use only 2 K memory for itself.
mov ax, 2044
mov sp, ax ; Shrink program size to bear minimum
push ds
pop es
mov bx, 128 ; Release unneeded memory
mov ah, 4ah
int 21h
; Print Copyright notice
lea dx, copr
mov ah, 9
int 21h
; Check if DESQview is present
@call dvpresent ; Use DVAPI.INC macro
test ax, ax
jz $noDV ; DESQview not installed
; Parse command line
mov bx, 80h
mov cl, [bx] ; command line length
or cl, cl ; anything there?
jz $noCL ; nope
sub ch, ch
inc cx ; command line tail size
inc bx ; next byte
mov al, [bx]
cmp al, ' ' ; junk?
ja $line
loop $blanks
; Nothing but junk on command line, exit:
jmp short $noCL
mov word ptr CL_start, bx
cmp al, ' ' ; end of string?
jbe $endline
cmp al, 'a' ; lower case char?
jb $line2
cmp al, 'z'
ja $line2
sub al, 32 ; convert to upper case
mov [bx], al
inc bx ; next char
mov al, [bx]
loop $line1
mov al, 0
mov [bx], al ; Create an ASCIIZ string
mov word ptr CL_end, bx
; Open file
mov ax, 3d00h
mov dx, word ptr CL_start
int 21h
jc $badOpen
; Read PIF file to buffer
push ax ; Save handle for closing
mov bx, ax
mov cx, 500 ; a little extra size
mov ah, 3fh
lea dx, pif
int 21h
jc $badRead
; Call DESQview to run new process
mov bx, ax ; number of bytes actually read
lea di, pif
@call newproc
mov word ptr task, bx
; Close PIF file
pop bx ; Restore file handle
mov ah, 3eh
int 21h
call success
; Exit with errorlevel 0
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h
$noDV: lea dx, noDV ; Print error message
err: mov ah, 9
int 21h
mov ax, 4c01h ; Exit with errorlevel 1
int 21h
$noCL: lea dx, noCL
jmp err
lea dx, badOpen
err1: mov ah, 9
int 21h
mov bx, CL_end
mov al, '$'
mov [bx], al
mov dx, CL_start
jmp err
lea dx, badRead
jmp err1
; Data:
task dw 0
CL_start dw 0
CL_end dw 0
copr db 13, 'DVEXEC - version 02-Mar-1989', 13, 10
db 'Copyright (C) George A. Stanislav', 13, 10
db 'All rights reserved', 13, 10, 10
db '$'
noDV db 'DESQview not loaded.', 13, 10, '$'
noCL db 'No PIF specified.', 13, 10, '$'
badOpen db 'Can''t open $'
badRead db 'Can''t read $'
OKmsg db 'Running $'
taskstr db 13, 10, 'with task handle $'
done db '.', 13, 10, '$'
dverror db 'DESQview couldn''t run $'
dvexec endp
taskno proc near
; Print out task number, followed by a period, cr, and lf.
sub ax, ax ; End of string marker
push ax
mov ax, task
sub dx, dx
mov bx, 10 ; decimal system
div bx
add dl, '0' ; convert to ASCII
push dx
or ax, ax ; more?
jne $tloop
; Now pop the chars off the stack and print them
pop dx
or dx, dx ; end of string?
je $tdone
mov ah, 2 ; print char
int 21h
jmp $tlp
lea dx, done ; Print dot, cr, lf
mov ah, 9
int 21h
ret ; Return to caller
taskno endp
success proc near
mov bx, task
or bx, bx ; did we succeed?
jne $suc
lea dx, dverror ; no handle, failure
mov ah, 9
int 21h
call taskname
mov ax, 4c02h ; exit with errorlevel 2
int 21h
$suc: lea dx, OKmsg ; Announce success
mov ah, 9
int 21h
call taskname
lea dx, taskstr ; task string
mov ah, 9 ; Print it out
int 21h
call taskno ; Print task number
ret ; Return to caller
success endp
taskname proc near
lea dx, pif[2] ; Get process name
mov bx, 1 ; Standard output - redirectable
mov cx, 30 ; Name can be up to 30 bytes long
mov ah, 40h
int 21h ; Print it out
ret ; return to caller
taskname endp
prog ends
end dvexec